Saturday, October 24, 2009

witches, spirits, ghosts

I finally completed this series of seven drawings that I have been working on off and on since March. I call it the Witch series, dedicated to the young witch queens whose power and beauty has been demonized for centuries by the Western world.

These will undoubtedly be in MythoLogic, and also available as a set of post cards to be purchased either through me, or through Lulubell. I'm hoping to get them printed on a similar kind of paper that the original drawings are on (Arches Rives BFK, which I'm kind of in love with), but we'll see what happens.

I have been reading all of the books by Judika Illes that I can get my hands on - they are wonderfully well researched, fun to read, and are fascinating if you have any interest in history, anthropology, and spirituality, and gender studies (regardless of what your stance on witchcraft or magic may be.) Her writing, in many ways, is what is inspiring much of the drawings and paintings for this show, and I am incredibly grateful to have come across her work.


Leo Powell said...

these are intense! so cool and spot on description / intention makes it much more fun to embrace as a visual space :)

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Ben H. Shapiro said...

NATASHA! Yes, All souls was soooo much fun. I unfortunately had to work so I couldn't see the end. These drawings are awesome! You going to make prints or shirts? I'd like either :).

natalya kolosowsky said...

haha, i'm glad you you came to All Souls, ben!

thanks! i'm glad you like the drawings. i'm hoping to make sets of seven postcards to sell, and keep the price under $20.00 per yes! there'll be prints.

i'll also have shirts but not with the witches on them (just bought the silk screening ink yesterday), and i'll post about those sometime soon. good stuff :D