Sunday, October 11, 2009


My awesome friend/roommate Kim Piet is actually coloring her coloring book! I really like how this came out, and I think I'm going to apply the same colors in Illustrator and look into getting some stickers like this printed out for the upcoming show at Lulubell.

Speaking of said show...its all official and settled: we're doing it in February (February 6th to be precise), and it's going to be called MythoLogic. I've been working on a series of 7 drawings (which I'll hopefully finish very soon!), experimenting with painting gold on black, and looking into the cost of getting stickers and buttons made. I'm also planning to have a paper forest and various witch-creatures.

Here's a small preview of what's to come:

she & his beard

I will most likely add color and some texture to this piece digitally, but I also quite like it just as a drawing.


Ben H. Shapiro said...

It's quite lovely. Don't forget to invite me to the opening :P

natalya kolosowsky said...

thanks, ben! i was just talking about you with eva & gianna yesterday, wondering how you were doing :]

of course i will invite you!

daniel said...

They look great!

Is this a show that's just for you guys, or is it open to other artists too?

natalya kolosowsky said...

thank you, daniel!

this particular show is only for the three of us, but Lulubell does often have group shows.

also, thanks again for you help today...i got everything i needed to, and i guess the dress ended up going with Alfonso already (who knew?)

daniel said...

Thanks for the info, I'll look into Lulubell. Cool stuff there.

Glad the dress made it home safely.

daniel said...

Out of curiosity, how do you know Yelena? I went to school with her at MICA.

natalya kolosowsky said...

small world, i suppose :]

i found her work online, and have been following it since. there is a strong influence of the Russian fairytale illustration tradition in her drawings which i love very much.

also, i just thought of this...if you're looking for a place to start show your paintings here, Solar Culture accepts work every three months - its not juried, and they give 100% of the sale price to the artist. its an art & music venue, so it gets quite a bit of traffic.

daniel said...

Yeah, I got a little bit of information about Solar Culture from Ruben, and definitely will be looking into it. I'll have to find some space to start painting again, but that is definitely a great thing and I'll be looking into that gallery for future stuff.