Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I need to get the hang of blogging chronologically. I have a half-written entry documenting the opening of SWIM BLINK GLOW just sort of sitting around, but I recently finished something else and would actually rather talk about that. Humph.

Ah, anyway...below you will find my drawing for a band called 17 Pygmies, illustrating one of the main characters for their new album/short story Celestina (which, I was delighted to learn, was loosely based on the 15th Century classic novel La Celestina by Fernando Rojas, but is actually set in space. In the future. With robots.) This was tremendously fun to draw, since I got a chance to create a character that would visually reference 15th century Spanish style, yet would also be subtly futuristic.

The story is to become a graphic novel, which is tremendously exciting, but that is something I will share in another entry.

For now, please enjoy Celestina in all her completed glory, as well as several close-up shots of the actual coloring, because scans don't always do originals justice.

Also, in case you aren't doing so already, please follow me on Facebook! I post slightly more frequent updates there, as well as lots of links to inspiring things I find on my daily internet adventures.


Metáfora Espiral said...

Cool project you are working on ¡

natalya kolosowsky said...

thank you! i am excited to see where it goes.